Mr. Rumanyika is Associate Certified Public Accountant registered as an Accountant in Public practice. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Accountancy in 1979. He Passed Professional Degree examinations (CPA) in 1989;
In 1981 to 1989 worked as an Accountant and Tutor in Government Accounting at Dar es Salaam School of Accountancy and responsible for budgetary control and administration.
Worked as a Principal Auditor with S. Byanyuma and Company between 1990 and 1992 and also participated as a facilitator in a three months training organized by NBAA to Zanzibar Government Accounting Personnel on financial controls and accounting skills.
The year 1989 to 2001 worked with the Institute of Finance Management in the Department of Tax administration as a tutor for Public Accounting. Between 1997 and 1999 participated in designing and conducting training on Accounting and Auditing Standards, Financial Accounting plus Planning and Budgetary Control to staff working with the Christian Social Service Commission and Christian Council of Tanzania.
From August 2001 to 6th March, 2010 Mr. Rumanyika worked under the National Board of Accountants and Auditors participating in the training of Government Officers, Parliamentary Committee members and other public officers on the Financial Legislations – the Public Finance Act 2001/2004 and the Public procurement Act 2001/2004 and their related regulations. In the year 2004 to Sept 2009 he participated in the training of senior Public officers on the establishment and maintenance of the Audit Committees in the Public sector; training of Local Government Authorities staff on the LGAs Internal Audit Manual plus training to Central Government Accounting staff on the Integrated Financial Management system Accounting Procedures and in the Training of Central Government Accountants on the role of Preaudit Section. The support and accompanying of small and medium enterprises in preparing business plans, Establishing and Registering business, preparation of Accounting Manuals and Financial Regulations, and compiling of Financial Statements.
Under the Information Development Services, He provides Accounting, Auditing, and Management services and under the trade name, “Development and Training Aids partner”, he provides business consultancy to SMES and organize tailor made training on Business Management Public Financial Management and Control; preparation for Audits and Record Management; project management etc. Between 2008 – 2015 worked as an Audit Manager for eight (8) Annual Public Audit assignments under SBC Consultancy on behalf of the Controller and Auditor General. Mr. Rumanyika worked with Swissaid Tanzania for six years (1992-1997) as finance manager responsible for partner’s projects financial management, and conducting trainings to income generating groups.
Mr. Rumanyika is active member of National Board of Accountants and Auditor (NBAA) as well as Tanzania Association of Accountants (TAA)